
A Virtual Reality engine.

About Us

RhubarbVR is a networked VR game engine that allows you to program to your heart's content. It does all of this while synchronizing modifications of the world with everyone in a session so you can collaborate and socialize with people to create amazing things. In addition, it allows you to make extensive multiplayer VR games and social experiences.



Uses steam for backend so there is no need for an additional account

Script Actions

A custom dynamic scripting system that integrates into the rest of the scene.


Watch YouTube and more using RhubarbVR's built-in Video Player.
Powered by LibVLC

World Editing

Multi-user building experiences with model importing.
Powered by Assimp And Godot

High Quality Audio

Through the uses of Steam Audio Ambisonics for high quality audio

Custom Shaders

Use Custom Shaders though
Godot GLSL

Rhubarb Team

Faolan Rad

"Trains" - Owner

Discord - @faolanrad


"Boop" - CoOwner

Discord - @jeanahelver

Justly Declarable

"People" - Community Manager

Discord - @justlydeclarable